Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition


Social Media Giants Announce Plan to Have All Conservatives and Libertarians Wear Digital Armbands While On Line

(Reuters) (Photo of suspect conservative being questioned by Facebook Thought Police) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined with other “Masters of the Social Media Universe” yesterday to announce plans that everyone who disagrees with them will be forced to wear Apple-branded…

Official White House Reporter Pool Announces Plan to Form Democratic Party Marching Band and Bugle Corps

MSNBC Celebrity News Sycophant/White House Correspondent Tazeen Ahmad announced today that the ‘entire contingent of best and brightest, hard-hitting, and socially responsible’ reporters will soon form a band dedicated to entertaining the ‘news-o-sphere’ at important public events. Ahmad, surrounded by…

Usurper Joe Biden Gleeful That American Democracy Died on His Watch

The ironically named ‘Democratic Party’ basked recently in the warm glow of ‘a job well done.’  Said a smiling,  Joe Biden in a press conference this morning, “Finally, after generations of oppression, beginning with  our parties’s support of slavery, to…

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