Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition


Biden Campaign Accuses Trump of Massive Election Fraud

In a press conference held on Facebook Live this morning, Media-Elect President Joe Biden announced the flying of a dozen lawsuits against the Trump Re-election campaign, complaining of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.   Mr. Moshah L. Tyree, Legal…

Breaking News:  Joe Biden Concedes Presidential Race

In what may have passed for a moment of mental clarity this morning, so called president-elect Joe Biden spoke at a press conference attended by a horde of sycophantic journalists.  The gathering hushed as Joe Biden, fresh on the heels…

Usurper Joe Biden Gleeful That American Democracy Died on His Watch

The ironically named ‘Democratic Party’ basked recently in the warm glow of ‘a job well done.’  Said a smiling,  Joe Biden in a press conference this morning, “Finally, after generations of oppression, beginning with  our parties’s support of slavery, to…

Joe Biden Apologizes for Naming Son “Hunter”

In a heart-felt, tear-filled press conference earlier today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Obama Administration Vice President Joe Biden bravely stood beside his son Hunter Biden to announce that they have changed Hunter Biden’s middle name.  “Quite frankly, I don’t…

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee Announce Foundation

Everyone who wishes to conduct any business with the federal government will have a ‘one stop shop’ to pay for access to tax payer funded federal monies or for the passage of beneficial legislation.   The interested party will simply…


At a solemn ceremony today, marking the 5, 019th Executive Order signed since Usurper Biden and the US National Guard took over the federal government headquartered in Washington DC, Democratic and RINO Leaders of the Deep State met in the…

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