Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition


Extremist Left Radical ‘Pink Pussy’ Heroines March on WDC Today

Thousands of indigenous Women of Privilege, accompanied by the usual crowd of Hollywood B list celebrities, descended upon the streets of WDC today to protest the anti-women Trump Administration. “While progressive saint Bill Clinton used his political status to seduce…

New ‘Eco-Friendly Abortion Procedure Announced

NSFW: Article depicts graphic violence similar to an actual ‘implemented choice’ Planned Parenthood, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Democratic Party, announced today that new medical procedures on the decapitated heads of aborted, yet still conscious, fetuses will lead to…

Reparations Demanded for Abortion Industry’s Notional Impact on Social Prosperity

US Congresswoman Annabelle Lea (R,FL) filed a bill today that would grant $25,000 to every American alive today for the notional loss of the societal benefits that aborted babies may have generated if their mothers had permitted them to live.Said…

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