Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition


Social Media Giants Announce Plan to Have All Conservatives and Libertarians Wear Digital Armbands While On Line

(Reuters) (Photo of suspect conservative being questioned by Facebook Thought Police) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined with other “Masters of the Social Media Universe” yesterday to announce plans that everyone who disagrees with them will be forced to wear Apple-branded…

Democrats Draw Up Impeachment Articles Against Trump for Collision of Galaxies 4.5 Billion Years Ago

NASA Honorary Emeritus Laureate Maxine Waters led a press conference yesterday to announce impeachment charges against ‘President’ Trump When a Fox News reporter asked how Trump could be responsible for an event that occurred 4.5 billion years ago, Waters said,…

Hurricane Maria and Trump Killed Everyone in Puerto Rico

According to a recent statistical survey conducted by NOAA Science Emeritus Nancy Pelosi the recent hurricane proved that the response by the Trump administration amounted to cold blooded murder.  The Democratic governor of Puerto Rico, Juan Valdez, in exile in…

Democratic Party Scientists Announce Drug Cocktail that Precisely Mimics Progressive Thinking

Democratic Party social scientists announced that a combination of lab strength hallucinatory LSD, Fentanyl, a mind numbing pain killer 1,000 times more powerful than pure CIA-supplied Afganistanian heroin,  along with a dash of Ayahuasca lead to an important political discovery….

Nancy Pelosi Promises that when Democrats Take Over House, Trump Derangement Syndrome Sufferers Will Qualify For SSD Payments

Future Speaker Pelosi, dressed in Blue to signify the impending ‘Blue Wave’ that will thankfully soon remove government from any rational decision-making process, told NYT reporters today that when she becomes Speaker, the first thing they will do AFTER filing…

Democratic Party Officials War Game ‘Blue Wave’ Strategy for 2022 Mid Term Election Blitzkrieg Against Stubborn American Patriots

We caught up with Reichsfuhrer Maxine Waters as she emerged from a marathon Labor Day weekend strategic planning conference. Said Waters, “Two years of a constant barrage of manufactured lies and deception have led to this point. We are counting…

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