Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition


Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee Announce Foundation

Everyone who wishes to conduct any business with the federal government will have a ‘one stop shop’ to pay for access to tax payer funded federal monies or for the passage of beneficial legislation.  

The interested party will simply negotiate a fee, ranging from 10-50 percent of the expected profits, and make a cashiers check or money order made payable to the Democratic Party.   

As an added benefit, these will be fully tax deductible as a donation to the charity of their choice.   

“For far too long people who wished to make huge , undeserved profits on the backs of the American taxpayer have been forced to skulk around with paper bags stuffed with unmarked bills, or  required to undertake the unseemly, even dangerous exchange of bribes in matching brief cases.  Well not any more!” 

Illegal drug cartels, oil industry barons,  communist dignataries, should save money and uncomfortable jail time

Exorbitant bribes

No seedy middlemen operatives  

A portion of the profits will be dedicated to address the rampant ‘Climate Violence’ that threatens all life on the planet, particularly  those who suffer daily from centuries of white, male, homophobic, colonial patriarchy as represented by  the Republican-Nazi Party.

Doc Woodworth

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Ph.D Saint Louis University (Public Policy Analysis)
JD Saint Louis University (Journal Editor)
MBA Central Michigan University (Organizational Behavior)
BA Illinois College (Sociology)


Ph.D Saint Louis University (Public Policy Analysis) JD Saint Louis University (Journal Editor) MBA Central Michigan University (Organizational Behavior) BA Illinois College (Sociology)
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