Slash Sarcasm: NPC Cannon-Fodder Edition

Idiocracy LifeStyle

Latest Tech Can Extract Democrats From Echo Chamber Alternate Reality 

Marvin Haysdale, Ph.D, Chair of Hillsdale University Department of Psychology announced an exciting development that ‘just might save mankind.’  

Sound intriguing? Adds Dr. Haysdale, “While yet an extremely complex and difficult medical procedure after decades of public school propaganda, helicopter parenting, and the wasted lives of living in parents’ basement bedroom playing video games and watching The View, extracting their distorted thinking from their narcissistic, self absorbed brains and minds that have been drained of logic can be achieved.  Their echo chamber, created by propagandistic orchestration from the likes of CIA and DNC funded 


has literally been glued to their brains, activating their emotional centers to replace logic with angst-driven self-righteous hypocrisy.  What we have to do is block their Altered Reality filled with Utopia Unobtanium, and always battle the brain damage to the rational centers of the brain with Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Horrible process. But doable.”

Doc Woodworth

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Ph.D Saint Louis University (Public Policy Analysis)
JD Saint Louis University (Journal Editor)
MBA Central Michigan University (Organizational Behavior)
BA Illinois College (Sociology)


Ph.D Saint Louis University (Public Policy Analysis) JD Saint Louis University (Journal Editor) MBA Central Michigan University (Organizational Behavior) BA Illinois College (Sociology)
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